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Modeling at EPA

EPA uses a wide variety of scientific and technical models to support our decisions and policies. These models increase the level of understanding about natural systems and the way in which they react to varying conditions, including the spread of toxic substances in various media, the short- and long-term effects of exposure to hazardous substances, and other forms of prediction and risk assessment. They estimate the environmental fate of pollutants, their impacts on human health and the environment, and the costs and benefits of alternative policies. Frequently, these models become the basis for environmental cleanup, protection, or regulation. Models therefore underlie how the Agency chooses to address a multitude of environmental questions.

Models themselves can become part of the controversy over environmental initiatives. Parties affected by EPA regulations have at times challenged these regulations in court by questioning the validity of the models upon which they were based. EPA's 2002 Information Quality Guidelines (PDF) (57 pp, 144 KB, about PDF) established a process for parties affected by the Agency's use of models to question the data, methods, and assumptions underlying these models.

Models Knowledge Base

The best place to search for and learn about the models upon which EPA relies is in the Models Knowledge Base, a central repository developed by EPA's Council for Regulatory Environmental Modeling (CREM).

The Knowledge Base provides for each model:

  • technical requirements,
  • basic information on how to use it,
  • information on the its conceptual basis, scientific detail and model evaluation, and
  • directions for downloading it and links to further information.

While the Knowledge Base does not yet include every model EPA uses, it does include the models that EPA's program offices have identified as most frequently used.

Additional Models

Although the Models Knowledge Base includes many of the models commonly used within the EPA, the following links to modeling groups within EPA provide information on additional models that have not yet been included in the Knowledge Base.

Atmospheric Modeling - Simulate the fate and transport of pollution through the atmosphere. This information is used in developing emission control policies and regulations.

Computational Toxicology - Determine the ways chemicals affect our bodies and the resulting health effects.

Economic Enforcement - Analyze financial effects of enforcement decisions, such as whether companies can afford various options.

Exposure Assessment - Determine how chemicals affect the air, water, and land.

Indoor Air Quality Modeling - Analyze how pollutants affect indoor air quality and provide data for exposure and risk assessments.

Pesticides in Water - Predict pesticide concentrations in ground and surface water; results are used in human health and aquatic ecological exposure assessments.

Regulatory Atmospheric Modeling - Evaluate options for controlling air pollution and their effects on various sources.

Subsurface Modeling - Analyze the fate and transport of contaminants below ground; results are used in risk assessment, site characterization and remediation, wellhead protection, and geographic databases.

Vehicle Emissions - Predict emissions from on-road vehicles, nonroad sources, and fuels under varying conditions.

Water Quality - Simulate the precipitation and pollutant movement from ground surface to their release in receiving waters. Learn about these models and tools: AQUATOX, Cornell Mixing Zone Expert System (CORMIX), Water Quality Analysis Simulation Program (WASP), River and Stream Water Quality Model (QUAL2K), DFLOW and BASINS.

Watershed and Water Quality - Help develop Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDL), waste load allocations, and watershed protection plans. Learn more about these models: Loading Simulation Program in C++ (LSPC), Watershed Assessment Model (WAM), Storm Water Management Model (SWMM) and Watershed Analysis Risk Management Framework (WARMF).

Council for Regulatory Environmental Modeling (CREM)

EPA established CREM in 2000 to support the development and use of high quality computational models to inform EPA decision making. The CREM council consists of senior managers from across the Agency, while CREM workgroup members include modelers and scientists from the program offices and Regional offices. CREM Web site

National Research Programs

Clean Air Research

Assessing the health and environmental impacts of clean air regulations. Issues include: ozone, particulate matter, and multi-pollutant approaches.

More about the Clean Air Research Program >>

Drinking Water Research

Improving our understanding of linkages between health and drinking water, focusing on the quality and sustainability of water resources.

More about the Drinking Water Research Program >>

Ecological Research

Investigating how to protect and restore ecosystem "services:" life-sustaining benefits we receive from nature. Examples include clean air and water, fertile soil for crop production, pollination, and flood control.

More about the Ecological Research Program >>

Global Change Research

Studying how global change--particularly in our climate -- affects air and water quality, ecosystems, human health, and socioeconomic systems. Providing information to decision-makers to help adapt to a changing climate.

More about the Global Change Research Program >>

Human Health Research

Assessing risks to people's health from environmental pollutants. Developing biological indicators to determine how regulatory decisions affect public health.

More about the Human Health Research Program >>

Land Research

Developing ways to preserve land, restore contaminated properties, and protect the public from contaminants. Issues include: contaminated sediments, groundwater contaminant transport and remediation, and mine waste technology.

More about the Land Research Program >>

Pesticides and Toxic Substances Research

Developing tools to evaluate the potential of pesticides and industrial chemicals to hurt people and wildlife.

More about the Pesticides and Toxic Substances Research Program >>

Water Quality Research

Helping to provide measurable improvement in water quality. Developing water quality criteria to protect people's health and aquatic life.

More about the Water Quality Research Program >>


Science Advisory Organizations

Advisory Council on Clean Air Compliance Analysis

Provides advice on technical and economic aspects of reports EPA prepares on the Clean Air Act's effects.

More about the Advisory Council on Clean Air Compliance Analysis >>

Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee

Provides advice on the technical bases for EPA's national ambient air quality standards program.

More about the Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee >>

Environmental Technology Council

Enhances communication and coordination of all EPA technology activities.

More about the Environmental Technology Council >>

Nat'l Advisory Council for Env. Policy and Technology

Advises the EPA Administrator on a broad range of environmental policy, technology and management issues.

More about the National Advisory Council for Environmental Policy and Technology >>

Office of Science Policy

Coordinates and shares information among EPA's laboratories and centers, and provides expert advice on the use of scientific information.

More about the Office of Science Policy >>

Science Advisor

Leads cross-Agency science and science policy development and implementation to ensure the best possible use of science.

More about the Science Advisor >>

Science Advisory Board

Provides peer review and other types of expert advice on a wide range of topics in science and technology.

More about the Science Advisory Board >>

Science Policy Council

Addresses EPA's significant science policy issues that go beyond regional and program boundaries. Contributes guidance for selected EPA regulatory and enforcement policies and decisions.

More about the Science Policy Council >>